Sundsvall's first mobile doggy daycare
We have a break at the mobile doggy daycare over the summer. If you are interested in a place when we start up again, send in an expression of interest.
How does a mobile doggy daycare work?
You walk the dog in the morning and then we pick it up in the morning depending on the route. We are outside and active for about 2-2.5 hours and then we start bringing the dogs home again after lunch. Exact times will come when the service resumes.
Your dog is able to rest a bit before you get home and is satisfied and happy after being out with its friends for a few hours during the day.
You don't have to be at home and we make a key agreement if we have an extra key, otherwise a key box is a good alternative where you store the key and we have our own code.
What do we do during the day?
We go to different places, e.g. the forest, the sea, the countryside, the city and different areas around Sundsvall so that the dogs get a change of environment, which is important in their training. Then they will be safe in different environments and you will get a well-being dog.
We go for walks but also include everyday obedience so that the group can function as calmly and safely as possible. We bring in one dog at a time so the group has time to get used to each other without stress.
In order for the group to function as well as possible, the dog must:
* Be at least 12 months old and healthy enough to be able to walk/be outside for about 2 hours per day
* Get along with other dogs
* Enjoys going by car, in a cage
* Be able to be alone at home for a few hours
* Bring a blanket if the dog needs it. We have our own leashes and collars. If a harness is required, the dog owner is responsible for this.
* Be basic vaccinated against distemper, parvo and HCC, but also against kennel cough. Vaccination certificate must be shown at start and we will take a copy of it.
* Insured and ID marked.
* Bitches must stay at home 3-4 weeks during their heat period to reduce discord and turbulence in the group.
Price per month:
Prices will go up when we start up again
Our daycare customers receive a 10% discount on our other services and also in our webshop.
SuperDog's mobile doggy daycare follows the Swedish Board of Agriculture's rules and standards for doggy daycares, has permission from the Swedish Board of Agriculture for dog transport and from the County Administrative Board to operate a doggy daycare.
Why should you choose mobile doggy daycare?
* You don't have to stress about picking up and dropping off at daycare.
* You don't have to rush home at lunch.
* You´ll have a satisfied and happy dog when you come home knowing that it has been out for a long walk and had fun with its friends.
* If you have a dog that feels good being home alone but needs a longer walk and socializing with other dogs, the mobile doggy daycare is perfect.
* It´s especially suitable for dogs who think it gets too messy at regular doggy daycare. Here they get their own cage in the car with a bed, blanket and water bowl and the chance to rest by themselves for a while before they are back home in their safety.
* The dog gets environmental training by going to different places and walking.
* The dog gets to learn to socialize with other dogs in a group.
Why did I choose the concept of mobile dog daycare?
I had a regular doggy daycare many years ago and like it too but this concept of being mobile I think is perfect. It suits me incredibly well to be able to change environments, to find new paths to walk on and to be able to do it together with the dogs is great!
It's such a wonderful freedom to be able to choose where we're going to go for the day, depending on what mood you're in. Sometimes you just want to wander around the forest and sometimes you feel like you want to practice a little more walking in residential areas where there is more life and movement. Sometimes the dogs also need to run away and then we either go to a rest yard or to our fenced garden where they can play. We do not let dogs loose in the forest due to safety and respect for both animals and other people in the forest.
Expression of interest